My name is Einav Feit

I am a senior Vijnana Yoga teacher, and a Sivananda & Viniyoga Instructor

I specialized in pre & post-natal yoga for women

I designed and developed a Teacher Training Course specializing in pre & post-natal yoga for women

My path into yoga started with the body that asked for more movement. From an early age I danced in different styles until I was injured. The yoga was my safe place for coming back into movement. 

Since 2002 I gifted myself with exploration and diverse Yoga studies with teachers in Israel and abroad. 

My first teacher’s training course was in the Sivananda ahsram in up-state New-York in 2005, while I was living with my family in Costa Rica.

When I was pregnant with my oldest, I started learning “Yoga during pregnancy and after birth” with Irit Falkovitz back in Israel in 2006, a program that both suited my personal and professional need to deepen my knowledge, explore and work with pre and post-natal women.

In 2007 I learned “ViniYoga” in the Academic College at Wingate and following, a three-year senior teachers’ training course for Vijnana yoga with Orit Sen-Gupta between 2008-2011. The more I learned the more I felt that I was coming home.

For me, the learning is an on-going process, as I continued my education in yoga therapy with Michal Yarkoni, Sandra Sabatini, Janet Balaskas and in other workshops and seminars with other teachers of different practices.

My personal belief is exploring through the body and mind, therefore the combination of studying the philosophy and methodology of yoga as well as practicing from within, fitted my way.

I value real devotion to the practice. My work is profound and hold layers of understanding. As the practice deepens, I discover new insights, I feel the body as a vessel to the soul, nurtured and nourished from within. That exploration is also achieved through awareness, feelings, and sensations, while practicing on the mat as well as in life outside the mat.

On a more personal note, I am married to Asaf and we have three wonderful children. My family is the most important thing in my life and making time to be with them and explore life together brings me joy. In September 2021 I have moved with my family to Praia da Luz, Algarve in sunny south-west Portugal. 

In May 2022, Asaf and I fulfilled an old dream of ours and we open our own place. Tranquility Studio & Clinic, in Praia da Luz combines our vision and ability to serve others with our unique gifts.

Dancing remains my old true love that I take great pleasure in doing from time to time.

Any additional skill that I learn enables me to meet myself again in mind and body and connect it to the fundamentals of Yoga.

You are most welcome to join one of my classes, workshops or lectures. The yoga teachers amongst you are welcome to be in touch regarding my Prenatal and Postpartum Yoga Program.

“Now is the time to befriend yoga, dedicate yourself to the mat and meet yourself.”

Einav Feit

I teach people yoga practice in groups or private classes, as I experience it myself.

A graduate of different teachers and practices – Vijnana, Sivananda, Viniyoga, prenatal and postpartum yoga – I bring with me more than two decades of experience, combining the different methodologies and influences of my teachers in my personal teachings.

I work with people starting out their yoga path, loyal students, and people that wish to improve their quality of life, enhance their posture, strengthen their body, and combine yoga in their everyday life. I help people with pain, anxiety and stress to reconnect and work with their body, and enhance their mind-body-spirit connection to relieve their pain.

My work comes from the deep understanding and exploration of how to carry the body in movement and hold it in a gentle yoga pose.

Following my specialization and training, I have been teaching pre and postnatal yoga for more than 15 years. After years of teaching, exploring and working with many pregnant women throughout all pregnancy stages, I recognized a real need for yoga teachers working with women to enrich their knowledge, understanding and personal experience in this field. 

Thus I have created lectures that developed into an entire specialized pre and postnatal yoga program for yoga teachers.

Following seven successful training cycles, I have improved my training and technique, learned and grown.

I am proud of this path and welcome you to read about the upcoming program in the link below.

What People Say
Yoga with Einav is the most “at home” I’ve ever felt in yoga. Connected to myself, focused, relaxed - knowing I’m in the best of hands. Einav is professional, experienced, kind - notices the slightest changes and challenges, but never interferes in my flow, I love her classes and feel blessed to practice in her space.
Smadar Noga Waisman

My Dear Einav,

This is a little something to thank you for all the support you gave me towards the birth of my baby Naomi.

I honestly think that, without you talking to me, I would not give the attention and focus that I needed to prepare myself for – what it was – one of the best experiences of my life!

The moment my water broke and I head to the hospital I felt good and happy. While waiting for the contractions to come I did your breathing exercises and positioned myself for the stronger contractions. Avner said that people in the hospital looked at me as if I was crazy but I did not care – I was somewhere inside me… And after Abigail brought me to the room even more relaxed and happy and ready to take Naomi out of my body, taking her arms and putting her on my breast!

Thank you my friend

Joao Mendes Roter

Thanks to your class and the teaching on how to breathe. This work with the breath helped me to have the childbirth experience I wanted. Additionally, I liked the way you helped me to correct my yoga postures in a way that made my body feel more comfortable and relaxed in the pose.


My biweekly Yoga classes with you has become an oasis of positive wellness for my body. I feel happy and safe to provide my body twice a week the right kind of healthy physical activity it needs that also saves me from back pain and helps me sleep better.

Rani Livneh

I came to Yoga looking to better care for my body and because I heard it is good for the mind.
Being in your class did the opposite. I practice yoga grateful to the silence it brings my mind, and feel great with strengthening my body. Yoga compliments the intensive sport I also do, releases and flexes my muscles while strengthening them.  On the mat for an hour and a half my mind is quiet, clear and focused on the challenge of the practice, while I take a break from life. I finish the class feeling, encouraged, refreshed and optimistic. It sounds too good to be true, but it is just that.

Rivka Lachman

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