My name is Asaf Feit

Asaf is a Chinese Medicine and Ayurveda Doctor

Lucky me, I knew I wanted to be a medical doctor since I was 6 years old. It was an inner crystal clear calling, although I didn’t know what kind of medicine I will practice. Eventually the currants of life led me to study holistic medicinal approaches. My profession as all other realms of my life is fueled by my natural talents and strengths of empathy, connectedness, thriving by intimacy and being an inquisitive scholar.

I started studying healing in the year 1999, and I have been studying ever since:

  • Reiki Master: 1999 (Pune, India)
  • Body Massage: 1999-2000 (Mr. Moshe Moreno, Masters Collage)
  • Traditional Chinese Medicine (Acupuncture, Chinese Herbs, Chinese Nutrition, Shiatsu): 2000-2004 (Israel Chinese Medicine Collage)
  • Chinese Medicine Stems & Branches: 2005-2006 (Ms. Efrat Murciano & Mr. Peter Van Kervel) • Macrobiotics: 2007-2008 (M.D Mira Niazov & Mr. Eyal Shpringer)
  • Ancient Chinese Medicine Pediatrics: 2009-2010 (Ms. Efrat Abramson & M.D Lawrence Berns & Mr. Aram Tzayig)
  • Chinese Medicine Celestial Clouds & Terrestrial Meters: 2010-2011 (Mr. Peter Van Kervel)
  • Ancient Chinese Medicine Gynecology: 2011-2012 (Ms. Anat Arad & Ms. Efrat Abramson)
  • Ayurveda: 2012 – 2016 (Mr. Ami Ryne)
  • Traditional Chinese Medicine Systems 2020 – 2022 (Mr. Rotem Rakovsky)

Side by side with my studies, I got married with my high school sweetheart, Einav, and started my private practice in Israel in 2004. In 2005 we moved to Costa Rica for two years and I practiced acupuncture in the remote jungle village of Pavones. Just before our first was born (Agam), we returned to Israel and settled down in Pardes Hana (Hana’s orchard), a small town seven minutes’ drive away from the nearest Mediterranean beach. Both my practice and family kept growing, we had 2 more daughters (Eden and Noga) and I added teaching Chinese Medicine to my schedule.


Further Development

After years of practice and helping out many thousands of patients in my private clinic, I expanded my services online with HOLISTIC HEALING RESOLUTIONS website, and completed my first book, HEALTH DYNAMICS, with the intention to help people and create a wider range for sharing my medical experience and understandings.

In 2021 we decided as a family to freshen up, and moved to live in Praia da Luz, Portugal, where Einav and I opend our joint center together – Tranquility Studio & Clinic.

What People Say

“Hello Asaf,
I wanted to thank you again for the dedicated care of me and my son Neri.
Thank you for helping us bypass the surgeon’s knife and live a healthy life.
Thank you for your warm, caring, and attentive attitude on every issue.
Good to know you’re there!
Great appreciation,
Michal (and Neri)”

Michal Aharoni

“I first met Asaf about 6 years ago. During those 6 years I went through a learning journey. There is no other way to describe it. Asaf taught me the importance of nutrition and how it affects my life. From physical illnesses to mood swings. I also learned that each person is built differently, and that one person’s needs are not necessarily the need of another. And so thoroughly, Asaf has built a menu especially suitable for me. Physical phenomena that I thought forever I would have to use conventional medicine to deal with simply disappeared when the body got what was right for it. The day before I contact a conventional doctor, I first speak with Asaf. In most cases, that’s all I need and I hardly see any doctors any more. I highly recommend Asaf’s dedicated care!”

David Shoken

“Thank you Asaf for creating the Holistic Healing Resolutions program. I am really interested in healthy eating and living and greatly enjoyed the process Asaf’s program took me through to assist me with the health issues I have. The Holistic Healing Resolutions information gathering survey was thorough and interesting to do. It was easy to follow Asaf’s instructions to make my initial information video and the resulting diagnoses and Asaf’s recommendations are presented in an easy to understand format for me. I like that I can return to my personal profile area on the website to reread it when I need to.  Asaf is so warm and engaging in his personal videos to me explaining his recommendations.  I especially liked the follow up video Asaf did at the end of the process. One of my favorite parts of this program is the beautiful recipes Asaf includes as part of the program. Talk about yummy!! It’s a month since I started the Holistic Healing Resolutions program and I feel energetic and healthy. Thanks Asaf!”

Tasha Gray

“Asaf Shalom
In this letter I would like to thank you for the successful treatment – a treatment that brought good results to my complete satisfaction.
I came to you with two problems:
The first, which caused me enduring physical suffering that made it difficult for me to lead a normal lifestyle. Intense abdominal pain, bloated abdomen, and back pain caused by the swollen abdomen.
The second was diabetes. Blood test values started to rise well above the norm despite the conventional drug treatment I received.
Your professional treatment of both of my problems included special diet, herbs and acupuncture, above all your pleasant and thoughtful personality, and your ability to encourage during times of crisis or days of failure. Of course, after less than six months, sugar levels dropped, and abdominal pain stopped. In addition, an invaluable phenomenon – weight loss.
Thanks for everything!”

Dr. Nili Hirschfeld

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